NTS / Message Traffic Handling Resources
This page, which is Chapter One of the ARRL NTS Manual, has an excellent explanation of the National Traffic System, its basic purposes, and basic principles of operation.: http://www.arrl.org/chapter-one-national-traffic-system.
For the full ARRL NTS Manual – HTML Format: http://www.arrl.org/nts-manual.
For the full ARRL NTS Manual – PDF Format: http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Public%20Service/NTS_Manual2015.pdf.
W4PXE Net Operations Forum Presentation
This is the slides from a presentation given by Dave Rockwell W4PXE, Section Traffic Manager, on being a good net control and the techniques to be a good net control.
For all the ARRL NTS Forms: http://www.arrl.org/public-service-field-services-forms.
A quick video titled “Sending an NTS Radiogram” by KB9VBR click here.
A more in depth video from the ARRL NTX section titled “ARRL National Traffic System (NTS) and Radiogram Training” can be watched by clicking here.

Forms to be used by ARES volunteers
During times of activation, these forms will need to be used by ARES volunteers. Download and print them.
ICS-213 – to be used for messages
ICS-214 – to be used for logging time & activities
Basic Training courses required for Polk ARES volunteers
The training required to prepare for the time of need is available online and at local training sessions. For Shelter Operator and Net Control Operator, or for deployment outside of Polk County, the minimum training courses (all online and at no-charge) are:
- IS-100.b (ICS-100) Introduction to the Incident Command System
- IS-200.b (ICS-200) ICS for Single resources and Initial Action Incidents
- IS-700.a National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction
- IS-800.c National Response Framework, an Introduction
For EOC operations, the following additional courses are required:
- IS-775 EOC Management and Operations (online)
- G-191 Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center (ICS/EOC) Interface (classroom – see Florida SERT for class schedules)
- ICS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
(classroom – see Florida SERT for class schedules)
Links to the online courses are below under NIMS.
Florida SERT – Florida State Emergency Response Team
Required training courses can be found and registered for on the Florida SERT website. You can search for training by date, type, and location. All ICS classroom courses in Florida are listed here. This is where you will need to register and upload your digital training certificates.
The National Incident Management System training gives a framework that will allow organizations to function together to complete the task at hand. The ARRL and West Central Florida Section of the ARRL have determined that the minimum training needed to be deployed outside of Polk County are:
- IS-100.b (ICS-100) Introduction to the Incident Command System
- IS-200.b (ICS 200) ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
- IS-700.a National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction
- IS-800.c National Response Framework, An Introduction
To work in the EOC, the following additional courses are required
- G-191 Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center Interface (classroom)
- IS-775 EOC Management and Operations
- G-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
(Click links above to take the course)
This essential training is in compliance with the requirements of the Department of Homeland Security and of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and apply to all potential disaster responders, volunteer and professional.
Information about these classes and others can be found at the following link.
ARRL Emergency Communication Training/Resources
These manuals from the ARRL have guidelines and resources for ARES operations.
Download the full version of the ARES Manual
ARRL Public Service Communications Manual
Download the full version of the ARES Field Resources Manual
*** NEW ARRL Courses in 2024 ***
ARRL has released two new courses to train emergency communications (EmComm) operators for volunteering within the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®). Both courses are within the ARRL Learning Center.
The Basic EmComm course is designed to get a new volunteer started. It provides basic knowledge and tools for any emergency communications volunteer and contains three modules and 11 topics, including required prerequisites. It’s expected to take approximately 10 – 20 hours to complete.
The Intermediate EmComm course builds on the lessons learned in the first course and equips volunteer radio amateurs with the tools needed to thrive in the fast-paced environment of public service communications and to understand the legal rights and responsibilities of working with a served agency, as well as teach them and how ham radio fits into the broader incident command (IC) structure.
Basic EmComm Training Course (click here)
Intermediate EmComm Training Course (click here)
Amateur Radio License Testing
Testing for your FCC Amateur Radio License is available locally. Please click here for more information.